EST Group Pop-A-Plug® Heat Exchanger Tube Plugs - Highly Effective, safe and Cost Saving in the Long Run

The above video show an easy, safe and effective solution of plugging Heat Exchanger leakages. Tube leakages cost plant to lose money. Conventional plugging method is time consuming, damages the tubes and there is not pressure rating available. EST Group provide an excellent solution to this problem.
Curtiss Wright EST Group offers a complete range of tube plugs and plugging systems. Every each plugs are designed for quick plugging of leaking heat exchanger(Shell & Tube, Air fin Coolers Tubes), condenser and boiler tubes. The plugs are available for operating pressures up to 7,000 psi (480 Bar). These specially engineered plugs are designed to be installed without welding or explosives. 
Accessories available from EST are Tube Stabilizers, Ram pacakages, Pull Rod, Manual Installation Tool, Brush Kits, Plug Removal Tool, Tube Leak Pressure Tester, Vacuum Tube Tester, Vacuum Tube Joint Tester.

For more information, contact PNR Engineering Sdn Bhd Malaysia,