How to Size and Select Rupture Disc (Continental Disc CDC and LaMot)

Using Certified (or Tested) Flow Resistance value, KR, rather than industry practiced estimates is important in safety relief or rupture disc sizing. KR value, along with proper engineering results in safe and efficient safety relief system. For flow capacity to be accurately evaluated, it is also essential to combine the K values of piping and other component in the process system with the Kg (flow resistance).

The next step is to select the type, media, holder, estimated size and model of rupture disc that suits the application (Table1). Then identify the corresponding MNFA (minimum net flow area) from Table III below. Together with the KR and MNFA values, confirm the flow capacity of your relieving system.

Useful References: Fluid Flow Calculation, Crane Technical Paper 410, ASME Code Section VIII, Div 1.

Alternatively, you can also fill up the sizing form below and let us help you
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